Guest Lecture at Wageningen University, Course on "Sociology of Development and Change", Tuesday 16 March 2019 10.15 to 12.30
Indonesia is an important and interesting place to understand how the meaning of indigeneity, a new keyword today, are contentiously shaped. Using a methapore from Indonesian Javanese traditional puppetry vocabulary, this is kawah candradimuka, a sacred crater to shape a powerful knight, through which masyarakat adat, the Indonesian term for custom/tradition regulated communities, is articulated and shaped at multiple sites of struggle. I plan to elucidate indigeneity politics at national level in Indonesia, started in 1999 when Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (AMAN/Indigenous Peoples' Alliance of the Archipelago) was first established. AMAN provides a unified national movement platform for the localized and sporadic struggles of Adat communities against the systemic land dispossession. AMAN used the term masyarakat adat as the translation for the term of indigenous peoples as defined by the UN Declaration on The Right of Indigenous Peoples.