Bosman Batubara and Noer Fauzi Rachman (2022) "Extended Agrarian Question in Concessionary Capitalism: The Jakarta’s Kaum Miskin Kota", Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy 11(2):232–255.
This article reassesses agrarian questions by using the ongoing explo- sion in urban and urbanization theories to explain Jakarta’s urban poor (the Kaum Miskin Kota) as an extended agrarian question. It shows how the two capitalist development trajectories identified by Lenin as the Russian and American paths, or the transformation of feudal large-scale and small landholders into capitalists, respectively, do not apply in Indonesia. In the latter, a “concessionary capitalism” of large-scale land claims and allocations by the state is observed. This specific pro- cess produces specific agrarian questions of soil/land and labor through which the urban poor germinated. It closes with a political project, that is, to open more alliance-building possibilities between urban and rural social movements.
Extended agrarian question, urbanization, near-South, Indonesia, urban poor, concessionary capitalism