Membangun Jaringan Inteletual Neoliberal: Kasus Hernando de Soto


Noer Fauzi Rachman

Kim Malone


            Ekonom dan ilmuan sosial dunia ketiga nicaya mengenal karya Hernando De Soto. De Soto saat ini adalah konsultan dan konseptor ternama kelas wahid pada skala dunia dari banyak badan pembangunan/dana internasional seperti Bank Dunia, Inter-American Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Komisi Eropa, USAID hingga belum lama ini,  ia diangkat sebagai ketua kehormatan dari the High Level Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor (HLCLEP), yang merupakan badan bentukan antar-pemerintahan Negara-negara Nordic (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norwagia and Sweden), yang didukung oleh pemerintah Canada, Egypt, Guatemala, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, dan badan internasional antara lain UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).  De Soto telah mendapatkan puji-pujian dari berbagai orang ternama di dunia, misalnya,  George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hamid Karzai, Alberto Fujimori, Milton Friedman, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, dll. The Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD, lembaga penelitiannya  de Soto) juga mendapatkan penghargaan istemewa dari lebih dari 20 universitas, badan pembangunan internasional, hingga perusahaan-perusahaan transnasional. Sejarah, karya-karya dan berbagai puja-puji ini dapat ditemukan dalam situs maya ILD (

Agrarian Reform and State Power in West Java, Indonesia: A Preliminary Research Prospectus

Noer Fauzi Rachman

The following is a document I made after a series of consultation with  my academic supervisor, Prof. Nancy Peluso in fall semester 2006, to develop a full research prospectus. My stage at the time was to develop a  prospectus for my dissertation research. Doctoral program at Department of ESPM (Environmental Science Policy and Management), UC Berkeley, require every PhD student to present his/her dissertation research prospectus at the moment of his/her qualifying exam. 

I. Introduction

Massive demands for agrarian reform exploded in Indonesia after President Soeharto, the leader of a 32 year-long authoritarian regime, was forced to step down in 1998.  While peasants all over Java occupied forest and plantation lands, a new decentralization law was passed, to be implemented in 2000. Rural groups and their supporters used rallies, demonstrations, and advocacy campaigns to convince new governments to endorse land reform policy. In 2001, the Peoples Assembly (MPR) mandated that the President and National Parliament of Republic of Indonesia (DPR) “reorganize land control, use and utilization (land reform) with special attention to local people’s ownership”. Five years later, little legal progress has been made, but land occupations continue.

Re: Land Reform by Leverage: Understanding the Resurgence of Agrarian Movements in Contemporary Java-Indonesia

The following comments are from Prof. Kim Voss of Sociology Department at University California, Berkeley, for my research prospectus "Land Reform by Leverage: Understanding the Resurgence of Agrarian Movements in Contemporary Java-Indonesia". I submitted the research prospectus as my final assignment for a course on Social Movement, Sociology 280S, Spring 2006. For her profile see: 

My research prospectus is available at: 


 To: Noer Fauzi Rachman

From: Kim Voss


Re:  Land Reform by Leverage: Understanding the Resurgence of Agrarian Movements in Contemporary Java-Indonesia,” research prospectus submitted for Sociology 280S, Spring 2006


            In this very intriguing proposal, you put forward a plan to look at the many land occupations that have occurred in recent years in West Java.  You begin with a thorough and highly informative literature review of both the social movements literature and the literature on peasant revolts, arguing that these two literatures need to be brought together.  You then lay out a series of hypotheses and describe your data sources. 

            I learned a great deal from your paper. You have obviously done a lot of thinking about this project.